I hope with my work to inspire you to have a different approach with the photography art.
Take your photos with love, passion, respect and empathy. Be different!
La fotografia è un potente mezzo di comunicazione, ma utilizzato in maniera sbagliata diventa un potente mezzo di distruzione!
“Scattare fotografie è semplice, ma renderle significative e parte di un discorso più ampio, simbolico, filosofico e anche formale, è da apprendere, attingendo al proprio vissuto, alla propria cultura, da mettere in relazione con le immagini emerse dal proprio inconscio. (...) E non la salva la bella luce del tramonto o dell’alba, se non si aggiunge una dimensione in più, resta un guscio vuoto. La bella luce non è tutto.”
- Giosanna Crivelli (25.01.1949 – 21.11.2017)
Photography is a powerful tool of communication, but when used incorrectly it becomes a powerful tool of destruction!
A well-known American sociologist, Hakim Bey, explains:
“The tourist seeks out Culture because – in our world – culture has disappeared into the maw of the Spectacle.
Culture has been torn down and replaced with a Mall or a talkshow- because our education is nothing but a preparation for a lifetime of work and consumption-because we ourselves have ceased to create.
Even though tourists appear to be physically present in Nature or Culture, in effect one might call them ghosts haunting ruins, lacking all bodily presence.
They’re not really there, but rather move through a mindscape, an abstraction («Nature», «Culture»), collecting images rather than experience.
All too frequently their vacations are taken in the midst of other peoples’ misery and even add to that misery.”
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Take your photos with love, passion, respect and empathy. Be different!
La fotografia è un potente mezzo di comunicazione, ma utilizzato in maniera sbagliata diventa un potente mezzo di distruzione!
“Scattare fotografie è semplice, ma renderle significative e parte di un discorso più ampio, simbolico, filosofico e anche formale, è da apprendere, attingendo al proprio vissuto, alla propria cultura, da mettere in relazione con le immagini emerse dal proprio inconscio. (...) E non la salva la bella luce del tramonto o dell’alba, se non si aggiunge una dimensione in più, resta un guscio vuoto. La bella luce non è tutto.”
- Giosanna Crivelli (25.01.1949 – 21.11.2017)
Photography is a powerful tool of communication, but when used incorrectly it becomes a powerful tool of destruction!
A well-known American sociologist, Hakim Bey, explains:
“The tourist seeks out Culture because – in our world – culture has disappeared into the maw of the Spectacle.
Culture has been torn down and replaced with a Mall or a talkshow- because our education is nothing but a preparation for a lifetime of work and consumption-because we ourselves have ceased to create.
Even though tourists appear to be physically present in Nature or Culture, in effect one might call them ghosts haunting ruins, lacking all bodily presence.
They’re not really there, but rather move through a mindscape, an abstraction («Nature», «Culture»), collecting images rather than experience.
All too frequently their vacations are taken in the midst of other peoples’ misery and even add to that misery.”
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